1 (833) 599-7233

Safety & Certifications

Health Canada & FDA Approved

licensee Number : 15191

How is Works


“Designed by our Customers. Created for Security.”

Has availability or supply of product created challenges for your organization?
Tired of suppliers falling short on their commitment with delivering products?

Our GAP offers customers peace of mind with ensuring the products you need, when you need them, we”ll 100% GUARANTEE the availability of products with brand consistency. Our team of specialists will work with your procurement team to understand “your” organization’s unique requirements with product fulfillment. We will secure inventory based on a specific time period which is 100% allocated to your business.

With Protech Safety Supply, we guarantee your business will not suffer due to shortages or manufacturer price increases or delays. With multiple storage facilities in Canada, we ensure your PPE is readily available upon your request.

There will NEVER be a point where your business does not have the required products on hand.

Contact us Today